Rabu, 24 Juni 2009

Legend Of Maori Land Exotism

Welcome the morning sun from the side of Lake Rotorua basin witnessed a fragment of life and a warm love story. Cold fog and dusk create a seagull on the island of Mokoia so romantic.

City Rotorua 06.00 local time temaram still and silent dibekap. Looks like fog seemed reluctant to go in cold bertemperatur 7 degrees Celsius. Sweter jacket dirangkap three and still has not been able to dispel the cold that puncture the skin, and even look like the breath puff of white smoke.

The cold air does not menyurutkan SI steps to start the Hinemoa Street Rotorua City is split from east to west. Meet Tutanekai crossing the road, turn right to go north. Fifteen minutes later, end up in a small dock on the side of Lake Rotorua save a lot of legends of the tribe of Maori.

Although the sky began to clear, thick fog still wrap Lake Rotorua and only the peak appeared Mokoia Island, located in the middle of the second-largest lake in the Rotorua District. In Rotorua, around 234 km from Auckland, or approximately three-hour land travel, there are 16 lakes, and Lake Tarawera is the largest size.

Ten minutes later, a light tinge orange-colored sun began to decorate the sky over Lake Rotorua. Collection of the seagull on the pier began to come together and fly some tail comb the swan lake looking for food. Right then, beringsut fog began to go and when the sun actually appears perfect, the whole surface of the lake to Mokoia Island berhiaskan intact.

At the dock, boat looks typical ancient Europe and the reel is driven lean amphibian aircraft. Ship is normally used to hold dinner for tourists on the lake, and the aircraft is rented for tourists who want to see the scenery from the air.

In Rotorua, the existence of Lake Rotorua, Mokoia Island, fog, haze, heat source and save the earth from the legend of the Maori tribe. Until now, the tribe of Maori believe that they come from the descendants of the gods known as the sky Ranginui, and the Earth Goddess, called Papatuanuku.

After several children have, the sky god and the Earth Goddess separate. Their children who try to reunite always failed because they were not able to reach the high heavens from the earth. As a sign of love for the sky god and the Earth Goddess, every night Descend fog, and when the morning, go down the moisture is represented as the god of water that separated the sky with his wife, the Earth Goddess.

Be present to Rotorua, which is known as a tribe of Maori ancestral land, always covered drabble fog and morning dew to time.

Love story is a pair of lovers in the legend Mokoia Island. In Maori mythology told in Mokoia Island is a very handsome youth, the skills, and advanced war named Tutanekai. Ketampanannya create a beautiful daughter and is considered sacred land from the west of Lake Rotorua Hinemoa called love.

Because the two warring families, both asked for a relationship. To find kekasihnya on the island of Mokoia, Hinemoa across Lake Rotorua desperate swim with the night so it will not be discovered. To have not lost kekasihnya, Tutanekai memandunya from the middle of the island with a typical blow Maori flute made of bone. Finally, they meet and live happier.

So romantic, even heroiknya love story Tutanekai and Hinemoa, both to make a name enshrined into the street in downtown Rotorua. The two roads that are made in such a way as if the center of slit Rotorua and the road to Lake Rotorua.

Rotorua has a known potential geothermal centers and alternative therapy use hot water and mud, sulfur, have satulegendayangtidakkalah interesting and full of love for a sister to adiknya. Dikisahkan, the Te Rawa fathers-one of the Maori tribe of Rotorua-duty to protect, they have a tohunga (chieftain) named Ngatoroirangi great.

When running the task to the top of Mount Tarawera which berselimut snow and windy, and followers Ngatoroirangi nearly to death. Then, he asks for help of a younger brother daughter is in the Hawaiki (ancestral land) is sacred to send aid. Then, send adiknya under fire over the Pacific Ocean and the mainland split Aotearoa (New Zealand) so that up to Mount Tarawera and save Ngatoroirangi the cold. Fire is hot and give off steam so that geiser than body heat, and for cooking food by Ngatoroirangi. Until now the area around Rotorua and Mt Tarawera, there are many sources of geothermal, hot steam, mud and geiser used for power and alternative treatment.

Be Rotorua, a city that has the exotic beauty and natural potential of the extraordinary. Of course it is not only based on myths and legends, because scientifically, the uniqueness can be explained with logic. Rotorua cold air because the region is in the high plains, have many lakes, and nearby Mount Tarawera at 1111 meters.

Geothermal potential that is abundant in Rotorua, as in geology, the area is right on the plates of Asian-Australian and Pacific plates. Two friction plates vulkanik this activity resulted in a great cause, and geothermal.

Rotorua is also a goal of 2.9 million travelers worldwide each year. Because many tours here tersaji trim, starting tours traditional Maori culture, tourism alternative health treatment with hot water, agro, to adventure tourism.

Of course, Lake Rotorua to be one of the main tourism object that is able to attract tourists. Besides the beautiful scenery and fresh air, also save a lot of legends. You can see the beauty of Lake Rotorua and dinner on board and accompanied various libretto. Or enjoy the air with the use of amphibious aircraft and helicopters are lightweight rented. Or simply sit on the shores of Lake at sunrise or sunset, all diverting and romantic feel.