Senin, 03 Mei 2010

Meteor Duren Sawit Mengandung Kekuatan Gaib

meteor duren sawit
Meteor Duren Sawit
Following the meteorite crash on Duren Sawit which destroys a number of buildings, the King of Paranormal, Ki Blanga Gede said that he saw a supranatural power lies inside the stone.

He explained that the stone has power to bring wealth to anyone who keep any piece of the meteorite. Whether this is true or not, many people believed what Ki Blanga Gede said and trying to buy a small piece of the stone.

Bambang Sardoyo, a businessman, admitted that he already offer Rp. 20 million for a piece of the stone.

"Money doesn't matter to me. I want the power of the stone" he said.

Meanwhile, the stone itself will not be sold no matter the price because it will be examined by the Astronomy Scientists.

Video Penemuan Kapal Nabi Nuh

A group of Chinese Christian community claims to have found the Kapal Nabi Nuh in the altitude of 4.000 metres on the top of Ararat Mountain, Turki. The group from Noah's Ark Ministries International are 99.9% sure what they found is the Kapal Nabi Nuh (Bahtera Nabi Nuh).