Obama's defense on the mosque plan is based on the religious freedom, while most political experts sees this more as a national security issue.
Pamela Geller, writer of The Post-American Presidency, stated that Obama has seen the wrong point. Religious liberty is not the issue, as there are many mosque at New York, and thousands in the United States. The debated point in this matter is about the location where the mosque will be built. Building a mega-mosque near the place where more than 3,000 Americans were killed by Islamic terrorist in September 11 tragedy is just insensitive and insulting to the family of the victims.
"Ground Zero is, indeed, hallowed ground," the president said.
This statement showed that Obama sees there is nothing ever happened in Ground Zero, while most families of the victims would suffer if they ever reminded of that place. Even the Spiderman movie has been edited to delete the scene where the twin tower appeared in the movie.