Aid continues to arrive. Also do not miss the MNC Group. MNC combined special teams from Jakarta and Medan were in hand to send relief to the refugees in several camps in the Karo district, North Sumatra.
MNC Group is a team consisting of a combination Indovision, TopTV, RCTI, Global TV, TPI, Koran Sindo, Okezone, Trijaya Radio, and Radio Dangdut TPI berjibaku toward the disaster site with a variety of support materials such as corned beef and dairy foods, and various day-to-equipment days such as soap, blankets, and mats.
Since at 5:00 pm, the entire team has gathered in Medan TVRI pages. Then join the company with the Minister of Communications and Information Technology, Mr Tifatul Sembiring, MNC Group team departed for the location of evacuation.
First visit to the Great Mosque of Kabanjahe. From that location in a row followed by the visit and the delivery of aid to the Main Command Post Kabanjahe, shelter Jambur Kabanjahe Lige, Jambur Sempakata shelter, shelter Jambur Brastagi Taras.
At each location, evacuation, MNC Group donated television equipment to access complete with Indovision. "We hope to provide a little entertainment for the refugees," said Corporate Secretary Mahendra Arya Sinulingga MNC Group.
"Entertainment in the conditions of refugees was needed to reduce the saturation during the shelter," added Menkominfo Tifatul Sembiring who was with the entourage.
In some of these refugee camps and Tim Menkominfo MNC was greeted with open arms by the refugees. Some of the refugees seemed powerless to keep from crying haru receive assistance. Menkominfo Tifatul Sembiring and its board of directors and MNC Group team also listened to grievances of the refugees with rapt attention.
Communication and Information Minister ordered that all refugees receive the form of natural disasters such trials patiently and gracefully. "We must be strong in receiving the test from God," the message Menkominfo.
After the team finished Kemenkominfo do visit, the team from MNC Group is also continuing concern to the storage site of action Three Binanga. The location was deliberately chosen because it is still minimal assistance and had just opened as a new alternative evacuation location. "On the Three Binanga there are around 2000 refugees still need help," concluded Arya