Local Organizing Committee (LOC) Indonesian who was also professor of Geological Engineering, Gadjah Mada University, Dr. Ing. Donatus Hendra Amijaya explained, IESO is a competition for secondary school students in the field of earth sciences including geology, geophysics, oceanography, meteorology, and astronomy. "These activities of umbrella by the International Geoscience Education Organization (IGEO) which is an international organization with members of the educators and institutions worldwide geoscience good level of pre-college and university," said Hendra, Wednesday (08/09/2010).
This year 19 countries scheduled to compete in the IESO, namely the U.S., the Philippines, India, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Cambodia, Korea, Kuwait, Maldives, Nepal, Nigeria, Romania, Russia, Sri Lanka, Taiwan, Thailand, and Ukraine and one country ie, the French observer. "In the future each country sends four students and two mentors, bringing the total there are 77 students and 33 mentors (leader)," said Hendra.
Furthermore, Hendra said, the Olympic games will be divided into terrestrial written tests, practical laboratory and field practices that will discuss the four areas of terrestrial material earlier. Written and practical laboratory activities conducted at the University of Gadjah Mada (UGM). While for field practice is held at various locations such as Gunung Kidul Kali Ngalang (Field Geology), Field GMU GSP (Meteorology Division), Field Gading Gunung Kidul TNI AU (astronomical observations), and the beach Baron (Oceanographic Field).
"Especially for the field trip was held at Cave Bribin featuring an underground river hydrology. For the opening and closing was held at the hall Kepatihan UC UGM," added Leon.
In addition to following the written test and practical activities, participants and the team leader will also visit tourist attractions in some places such as museums of Mount Merapi, the Kraton Yogyakarta, Borobudur Temple, Prambanan Temple, Park Smart, Malioboro, and the witnessed Performing the Ramayana.
The team consists of IESO Indonesia Ardy Ramadan (SMAN 48 Jakarta), Asri Oktavioni (SMAN 8 Jakarta), Ega Gita Prasastia (SMA 2 Purwokerto), Dawn Febiani Amanda (SMAN 1 Banjarnegara), I Wayan Punia Raharja (SMAN 1 Amlapura), Kamil Ismail (MAN Insan Scholar Serpong Banten), Mikey (SMAN 1 Pekanbaru), and Rio Priandri Nugroho (SMAN 3 Yogyakarta). They will be divided into two teams, namely Team A and Team B
Team builder who will assist Indonesian students was Budi Saptono Samodra (Geological Engineering, Gadjah Mada University), Judge L. Sloth (Astronomical Institute of Technology, Bandung / ITB), Joko Wiratmo (Meteorology ITB), and Warsito Atmojo (Oseanologi Diponegoro University / Undip).