At 14:40 pm, Thursday (1/4/2010), spoken by Ardi granted consent. Nia's father, Priya Ramadhani, holding hands and marry Ardi Ardi with Nia. Though tense and occasionally looked shaky holding a microphone, speak fluent Ardi consent granted. There was no repetition of the consent granted Ardi.
Nia who sits on the left side looked toward Ardi Ardi with anxious expressions. Apparently, the film star was worried Ardi NGESOT Sister made a mistake in pronunciation pronunciation granted consent.
Lucky, the procession ceremony run smoothly. With a set of tools dowry and cash Prayer Rp2015, Ardi and Nia has now become legitimate spouse.
After the marriage ceremony, a reception party will be held at 19:00 o'clock am, still in the same location, namely Mulia Hotel, Senayan, Jakarta. Only invited guests who holds barred.
Apart from the family room Bakrie, Bakrie colleagues also present in the Golkar Party as Priyo Budi Santoso, Akbar Tandjung, Ginandjar Kartasasmita, Muladi and others. In addition, it appears also PDI-P politicians and Anas Urbaningrum Simbolon Efendi. Jero Wacik Menbudpar also emerged and a number of other officials.