The majority of readers okezone, who voted since 24-30 Maret not agree if both are married, Wednesday (31/3/2010).
Of the 348 readers, only 10 people who agreed that if the reader only Anang Hermansyah widow is married to Raul Lemmos, which still existed as a husband Atha.
Then, how is the rest?.
A total of 62 people wanted the reader to refer back Krisdayanti Anang Hermansyah. Presumably, these 62 people readers care about the condition of both children and Azriel Aurel Kris Kristofferson, after both were divorced.
But the majority of other readers, as many as 219 people agree if Anang Hermansyah married to his new duet partner, namely Syahrini.
While the last remaining, a total of 57 people choose not care about the three options offered above.
From a poll conducted during the week, readers seemed to give a message to Kris Kristofferson in order not to marry Raul Lemmos. Presumably, the reader has a strong consideration of it, namely the status of Raul Lemmos which are still controversial.